As a marketing specialist for therapists I have read my fair share of therapy blogs over the years. Usually these are my clients blogs which are attached to their websites and are tacked on as an after thought once the main site content has been created. Writing a good therapy blog is a great way of attracting clients but invariably the same problems appear again and again:
- No Updates – The blog gets updated once in a blue moon and the last update was months if not years ago
- Too Short – A blog post is thrown up but it is so short it could be mistaken for a post on Twitter
- Keywords – The person writing the blog doesn’t understand about keywords so they blog will never be found
- Irrelevant – The blog is used as a way of the therapist expressing themselves on a topic nobody cares about
- Client Attraction – The blog does not create a way for the therapist to attract clients
How to Get More Therapy Clients
A great way of getting new therapy clients is with regular and consistent blogging. This is because when it is done well your blog will be indexed in the search engines giving you more opportunities to reach the clients who need to see you. Put simply if you have a website with say twenty pages you have limited opportunities for your clients to find you on Google. If you have an additional twenty blog posts you now have doubled your chances of being found in the search engines. Yes, this is a simplistic example but it gives you an idea of what can be achieved. Even better blogging doesn’t have to cost you money like Facebook advertising or Google Adwords.
Also, blog content can be repurposed, spread around the internet and updated. If you do this on a regular basis those twenty blog posts actually can turn into something far bigger generating you clients and sales from multiple sources.
Blogs for Therapists
When done correctly blogs for therapists can be the perfect marketing tool providing they are written correctly and use client attraction methods in their content. Learning how to do this can be simple when you know-how which is why I decided to write a short mini-course on how to use blogging to get more clients. In this course, you are going to be able to look over my shoulder as I create blog posts that are going to help you earn more money consistently. Even better these blogs have evergreen content so that the content will keep on generating leads for you years after they have been written.
Through a series of videos, I will walk you through the elements you need in your blog and how you are going to implement them. These include:
- How to choose a blog title that will get you customers or clients
- How to research content for your blog
- How to create a basic blog structure
- How to choose words that are more likely to convert
- How to create passive income from your blog
- How to dominate the local search engine results through blogging
- Where to place your blog to get multiple readers coming to your content
- What elements are essential in your blog to make it work harder for you
- How to stay in contact with potential customers who are reading your blog even if they aren’t ready to buy
How to Write a Therapy Blog
If you really want to write a good therapy blog you have to know the essential elements for success. Just writing something and trying to see if it will work is just going to make your life harder and waste a considerable amount of your time. When you understand exactly what you need to include or exclude from your blog you can concentrate on getting clients and sales instead of using your time and energy attempting something that is just never going to work. When you learn the correct blog tools you are going to see that it can make a massive difference to your business. Still don’t believe me?
- Companies that blog get 55% more website visitors
- If you are a business that blogs you are 13 times more likely to get a positive return on investment
- If you blog you are going to get 67% more leads
As you can see these numbers are far from small or marginal these are the kind of figures that can help you to double your income. In fact, if you create a great passive income product your earnings potential goes sky high as you can sell it worldwide time and time again even when you are sleeping. Want even more facts about how blogging can help you? Read this blog on the advantages of regular blogging.
Therapy Blogging Online Course
Want to dive in and start earning that extra income right away by writing a good therapy blog? You can purchase the blog course by following the link below. In addition to the course, you will get an accompanying pdf with the hard copy information plus my blogging checklist that you can print out and follow each time you write a new blog so that you never go wrong.