If you have been following my blog posts regularly you will know that in mid September I moved house. Not only did I move my home but I gave up my practices in London and Hertfordshire and started my business again in an entirely new area. Yes I could have continued my existing practices but who wants to commute for hours and hours each week so I began again from scratch. To clarify that mean’t I no longer had a website and certainly not a well optimised one. I had no clients or referrals and frankly nobody knew who the hell I was. In fact I was in the same position as a therapist who had just finished their training apart from the fact that I had my therapy marketing skills.
Now I had no idea exactly how long it would take to build my new business. I knew that my new home was within easy reach of some large pockets of population but equally some of those areas were not particularly affluent and some very rural. I thought that perhaps it would take me a year or two to get my practice up to the levels that I saw in London in fact it took less than five months. I should point out that one of those months was December where I wasn’t even in the country. I am thrilled to report that my methods work because as of next week I have a full diary.
Building a Successful Hypnotherapy Business Quickly
Therapy marketing may seem difficult to many but with the right knowledge it is possible to build a thriving practice in only a few months. When you have the right knowledge and start thinking like a business person you can get remarkable results really quickly. I have heard so many therapists blame the economy or lack of demand for their financial woes but these are just excuses. I live in a village with 2,500 people in it yet I have filled my sessions at my home easily which means so can you.
In my marketing programs I teach other therapists and small businesses how to get ahead of their competition and get paying clients in through their door. Many of these customers had previously been struggling to get even one person to pay for their services! In the last month alone I have had one client see a website move from nowhere on Google to some of the top spots on local searches. Another has seen a massive uplift in conversions from her new website. In both cases just one new client paid for my six monthly marketing training. Of course they will be getting hundreds more so I would consider that a great return on their investment. My guess is that without my training many of these therapists would have been out of business within the year and back working in their old day jobs.
The Five Keys to Marketing Your Hypnotherapy Practice
Website – Without a decent website you may as well give up before you start. Yes I know you may be tempted to cobble together some awful looking one page site on some online free software but it will look terrrible and your customers will go elsewhere. There is nothing worse than a shabby looking, badly aligned web page. A great website is easy to read, informative and converts browsers into buyers. The content has to be written in a very precise way in order to be recognised by the search engines. Get it wrong and you won’t even appear in the top ten pages of Google never mind the front page.
SEO – Search Engine Optimisation is key to getting found in Google. Think you can write any old content and get people ringing your phone? Forget it, your content including your pictures and videos needs to be structured in a certain way so that your potential clients can find you. Even after you have written that content you need to promote it so that you can get relevant backlinks. This takes time which is why so many people hire SEO companies to do it for them. Yet you do not need to be an expert to achieve results provided you are shown how.
Blogging – Every website that needs business should be blogging on a regular basis. A blog is a great tool of giving additional detail about the products and services that you are offering. As a bonus it can help you get found in the search engines. If you structure it well it can also get you regular followers and you can monetise it.
Geographical Targeting – Understanding how to market yourself geographically can make a big difference to your chances of being found in the search engines. Do not just confine yourself to targeting the area that you are living in but to the surrounding areas as well. I know I target a thirty to forty mile radius around my practice. You will be shocked at the number of people who will drive long distances to see you.
Paid Advertising – Not so long ago everyone wanted to appear highly in the Google organic rankings. SEO companies made fortunes helping their customers get higher in the rankings and then things started to change. These statistics from Wordstream show how the landscape of SEO is changing in 2016:
64.6% of clicks to a website now come from paid advertising.
35.4% are from organic rankings
For keywords which have a high commercial intent 2/3 of the clicks are sponsored!
Organic search results now account for 14.8% of what you can view above the fold. In other words when you enter a search query most of what you will initially see on the page before you page down is paid advertising.
As long as Google and the other search engines maintain their dominance these figures will increase meaning that soon you will not be able to get any business without paying. If paid advertising is not one of your methods of getting new customers it will soon need to be.
Therapy Marketing Mentoring
If you run a therapy business that is
Brand New and has no customers.
That is established but is struggling to attract customers
You would simply like to take your business earnings to the next level then my therapy marketing coaching sessions can help to transform your practice. Over six hour hour sessions I can show you the same tactics that I used to fill my new practice. Simply send me an email or give me a call and we can talk about your business goals for the next year. Until the next time.