Your Blog Posts are Rubbish and Nobody Wants to Read Them!

canstockphoto19037812Think that I am joking with this headline? Well I hate to tell you that it is probably true. Over 95% of the blogs that I see on other therapists websites suck big time. By the way those of you that don’t blog are missing a trick and need to undergo some social media training with me fast! Anyway back to the bad bloggers that are out there. Are you writing boring and banal content that nobody is reading ? I have seen so many hypnosis blogs that would send you to sleep and are doing nothing to actually get people interacting and engaging with you. Want to know that you should be doing? Then here are ten things you need to be doing to really connect with people who want to buy your products and services.

Know your Audience – So many bloggers out there sit down and write a post without even thinking about who they want to read it. There is no point in writing a huge blog about the affect bridge technique if nobody outside the hypnotherapy community knows what the hell you are on about. You need to be writing blogs that speak to the people that you can sell your services to. So if Gemma Collins (for readers outside of the UK she is a reality TV star) talks about losing two stone from the hypnotic gastric band then you can write a post capitalising on her media coverage and explaining to your potential customers how you can do the same for them. Get it right and you will get a stream of new customers coming to your door.

Be Unique – Don’t think you can get away with reposting articles that are a total rehash of your web pages. Google hates duplicate content and you can be penalised. Instead write fresh content that is interesting and meaningful.

Use Headlines and Sub Headings – Nobody wants to read a huge long paragraph or block of writing. Break the content up into smaller sections so that visually it is more appealing.

Visuals – Talking about visuals use pictures and even videos to really make the content more interesting. Sign up to a stock image photo site and buy photos to add to your content to illustrate your points. Most of the biggest blog sites in the world use images to really engage their readers.

Don’t be Wordy – Some people are unable to keep it simple. Using complex industry words which you hope are showing off your intelligence are pointless. A good blog should have small sentences, be clear and concise and be aimed at the person you are hoping will buy from you not a Harvard professor.

The Devil is in The Detail – One of the worst crimes that I see hypnotherapists make is writing thin content. In other words writing a page on their website or a blog which is little more than a couple of sentences thrown together. Some of the big bloggers out there write posts with 1,000 to 4,000 words on them. So trying to get away with minimal amount is a waste of time. You may as well not bother to write anything at all.

Consistency – If you are going to start blogging then you need to do it consistently to build a group of followers. There is no point in writing a blog post today and then nothing for three months and so on. Make sure that you set yourself a blogging timetable and stick to it. I generally post on this blog once a week which I believe works for what I am trying to achieve. You can of course post more often if you want it certainly won’t hurt you. Remember that if your blog hasn’t been updated for months or in some cases years customers to your website are noticing this. Who wants to get hypnosis from a therapist who can’t be bothered to do the writing?

SEO – If you are writing a blog post then you need to optimise it so that the search engines can find it. Writing a bunch of meaningless words and hoping they will be found is totally pointless because how the hell with the Google bots find you? Make sure your content uses the keywords that are going to get you found.

Collect Emails – If people come to your websites and blogs then you want to continue building a relationship with them. Collecting their emails is a great way of doing that so you can send them your new content and sell them further services and products. Remember most buyers don’t necessarily want to buy immediately. Many like to lurk in the background considering their next move and an email from you may be enough to spur them into action. Also existing clients who have had successful sessions may need you for something else so if they receive an email from you it will remind them to book. All potential clients for example to this website are invited to join my newsletter for additional tips and help with marketing.

Call to Action – Written your blog? Then what do you want to happen next? So many therapy bloggers simply don’t get the point of blogging. You need to monetise what you have written so that people buy your sessions, products and services. There is no point churning blog after blog if nobody is going to do anything with it. You need to tell your readership what they need to be doing next to improve their lives. If you are placing a call to action in your posts then you may as well not have bothered. Don’t miss this trick and leave money on the table!

If you would like help with your hypnotherapy marketing then I offer an hypnosis marketing eBook, website review as well as mentoring to take your business from surviving to thriving. Simply contact me via the form on the website and we can arrange a time to discuss what you need to build your booming business.