As another year draws to an end it is the perfect time for anyone running a business to assess how well they did in the previous year and then work out what they can achieve going forward in the New Year. So the question is what did you achieve in 2014 and where are you going as 2015 rapidly approaches? If this isn’t a question that you have ever considered before let me guide you through some of the questions that you need to be asking yourself so that you can make next year your most successful yet in terms of Hypnotherapy Marketing.
Firstly look back on what you have done in 2015 and assess what has been successful for your business and what hasn’t. This process enables you to determine which areas you need to concentrate on over the coming year. Obviously every hypnotherapy business will have a different areas where they need to set goals and yours will be no exception. Start by trying to answer some really basic questions about your business. Below I have given some examples of questions which will allow you to check your performance.
- How many clients did you see on average each week?
- Do you need more clients?
- How did your clients find you? Referrals, paid advertising, website?
- How profitable was each client?
- What was your most requested treatment?
- What was your most profitable treatment/product?
- How many visitors did you website (s) receive each day?
- What were the referring URL’s?
- How many conversions did you get per day?
- What keywords did your clients use to find you?
- How do you rank for your keywords?
- How did you Social Media Perform?
- Do you have a mailing list if so how many names are on it?
- Did you utilise your mailing list to advertise your other services?
I know that I could write page after page of questions which would allow me to assess how my business or any other business is performing. The detail that you need to go in to will depend on the complexity of your business and the stage that you are at with building that business. I know that on the whole most hypnotherapists are not great at assessing what is working and what isn’t working for them. By taking time out to understand where you are allows you to then work on growing the areas that are not working so well. If you are a therapist who is unaware of where to start when answering these questions then getting professional Hypnotherapy Marketing help may make the difference between your business being a success or failure.
Getting answers to some of these questions will allow you to begin goal setting for the coming year. So if you know that you only see a handful of clients each week then create a goal for the coming year to state that you need that number to increase by 20, 30, 40%. Then write an action plan of how you are going to achieve that. Simply doing what you have been doing obviously isn’t enough. Therefore plan how what marketing tasks you will need to complete in order to increase that number. Again if you don’t know where to start contact a Hypnotherapy Marketing expert to assist you with your goals.
If you are already happy with the number of clients that you are seeing then your questions may focus on areas where you can sell other products and services. Perhaps you have always wanted to sell audio recordings then start your action plan of how you are going to do that. If you want to sell online courses then map out how you intend to do this. As most successful hypnotherapists will tell you additional passive income is a great way to take your business to the next level.
So make 2015 the year where you resolve to understand your business better and plan your future business strategy. Remember completing this work now will save you time, money and worry over the coming months. Hypnotherapy Marketing is easy when you know how, you just need to ask the right questions and find solutions to the answers that you don’t like!