Hypnotherapy Marketing eBook 2018 Edition – Time for an Update

Hypnotherapy Marketing eBook 2018 EditionHow to Build a Hypnotherapy Business in 2018

If you are marketing a hypnotherapy practice nothing stands still for very long. Something that was appropriate two or three years ago make not work at all when you are trying to attract sales and clients in 2018. When I first wrote my Hypnotherapy Marketing eBook in 2015 it had all the latest up to date information about how to create a thriving practice but in just a few short years what was relevant then is no longer useful just a few short years later. So I have spent the past couple of months refreshing all the information and making the Hypnotherapy Marketing eBook 2018 edition 50% bigger than before.

It is amazing to think how much changed since the first edition of my eBook.  Here are just some of the changes that have occurred in just three years.

  • Instagram is now one of the biggest social media sites in the world. It didn’t even get a mention in my first hypnotherapy marketing eBook!
  • Meerkat the live broadcasting medium has disappeared.
  • Facebook Live was introduced to capitalise on our need for instant video.
  • The Google +1 button has vanished.
  • Snapchat has become a huge social media channel for millennials.
  • Google my business has become an essential for local businesses.

When I work with my marketing students I get asked time and time again why they can’t just create a website, put up a Facebook Ad or create a YouTube video and then just forget the marketing they have completed. This is because everything changes and much faster than you think.

I get regular calls from Google Adwords for example every two months updating me on the latest changes to their advertisting platform. If I leave up my original ads without making the necessary updates and changes I suddenly find my ads which were making me money are now getting a lesser click through rate. If I don’t update my website or write some blog posts or get social media shares my website falls down the rankings. Marketing a therapy practice requries you to constantly update your content and strategies otherwise you will get left behind.

What’s Coming Up?

I spoke a few years ago about how Google was starting to prioritise mobile friendly websites in their rankings. Well now they have gone one step further. They are currently introducing their mobile first  search engine which means that mobile versions of websites are being prioritised for indexing and ranking over desktop sites.  This update is currently rolling out as we speak. For any of you still sticking with an old desktop only website this spells big trouble!

Also the new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) in Europe roll out in the UK on Friday the 25th May. How many of you have completed the necessary updates to your websites to make sure you are complaint? Have you updated your privacy policy, contact me forms, lead magnets and the way you control your data? And for those of you that I see on forums in the UK who believe they don’t need to register with the Information Commissioner I can tell you that you are wrong. If you hold data about your customers such as emails, phone numbers or medical information you should have signed up. In fact you should have done it years ago.

How many of you are thinking about how to capitalise on voice search? Believe it or not looking for things by typing words into a search engine is not going to be so popular in a few short years from now. Think about Alexa, Siri and Ok Google and you can start to see that the way we look for information is changing all the time. Writing a website that uses voice search phrases instead of typical paragraphs can make all the difference to your profitability.

Get Help to Make Your Therapy Business  Profitable

If you are staring out on your journey as a therapist or are unsure how to get clients in to your hypnotherapy practice the my latest eBook is designed to help you understand the elements that you need to work on to have a successful business.  Here are just some of the things I discuss in the latest edition of my marketing eBook.

  • How to run a marketing budget
  • Website creation and search engine optimisation
  • Marketing funnels
  • Newsletters
  • Remarketing
  • Using social media to attract clients.
  • Online therapy
  • Free networking strategies
  • Using paid online ads
  • Understanding your competition
  • Getting in the media
  • Passive income
  • Group and Corporate Work
  • Referral networks

With over 150 pages of information you can get informed about the very latest ways to make a difference to your practice. Good luck building your booming business.

Hypnotherapy marketing ebook 2018

hypnosis marketing book 2018


Back to School – Website Marketing for Therapists

Therapy marketing WebsitesIf you are in the UK you will know that today is the first day back at school after the long summer holidays. This does not just apply to children but to adults as well so I thought this would be the perfect time to launch my first online course for therapists. One of the biggest issues that I see time and time again is therapists making fundamental mistakes with their website design and content. This is a huge issue as your website is now usually the number one marketing tool for your business. Get it right and you have great foundations on which to build your empire but get it wrong and you may as well go back to your old day job. So I have created a course called “Turn Your Therapy Website Into a Client Magnet” that is especially designed for website marketing for therapists.

Before I explain a little bit more about the course I want to firstly thank those therapists who took the time out to send me their websites so that I could use them in the video content. I had a great response and it would have been great to use them all but in the end I settled on two websites in particular one from the US and another from Australia. I will be sending a short thank you note to the other hypnotherapy business owners over the next couple of days to give them some advice on what they can do to boost their website and business.

Common Therapy Website Problems

Firstly I thought I should mention that of all the websites that were sent over to me there were a number of common problems that appeared time and time again.

  • The therapist has decided to create their own website and has done it badly! This was generally due to a lack of website design skills and saving money. So here is my opinion. If you can’t be bothered to spend money creating a website or going to classes to learn how then don’t bother at all. I know this sounds harsh but the reality is that if your website stinks then it makes your business look bad and won’t make you any money. I am not sure what it is about therapy that makes people think it is ok to do this but it is a huge problem.  You have to invest in your success. If you own a shop you get the best premises, signage and stock. If you are a plumber you need a reliable van, tools and website. These things cost money!!! Setting up a therapy business is relatively cheap in comparison to many other businesses so save up and do it right.
  • Therapists do not bother to put their location on the first page of their website or in some cases on it at all. Now I am not sure if they think that their clients and Google are mind readers but without this information nobody knows where you are. This is basic stuff! People are on your website in most cases for a period of seconds. If they can’t see that you are near them then they are off elsewhere like a shot. The same applies to the Google bots that search your website for clues as to where to place you in the rankings. If a client enters in a search “Hypnosis in Adelaide” then the bot has search your website for that keyword and will show all the listings which have that term in the page. If your website does not say where you are then your website is consigned to an internet black hole! Start to think like the people searching for your website and what you might need to add to your website to help them find you.

Therapy Website Marketing Online Course

Website marketing for therapists is so crucial to your business success that I have created an online course which contains over two hours of video lessons plus information sheets to help you create the perfect platform for your business. I believe that the information contained in the course can make a huge difference to a therapy business and its ability to get found in the Search Engines as well as assisting you to create a platform for making passive income.

I am not a website designer (even though I have made my own websites) but that does not matter. Why? Because most website builders are great at creating a website but have no idea about search engine optimisation of the elements that you need to have to make a success of a therapy business. That means that even when you spend thousands of pounds getting an expert in to create your site it still does not create a great return for you. I show you how you can get a website built for under $200 and the content it needs to contain to act as that client magnet. I know what I am doing. As of this morning I was number 1 on Google in the US for Hypnotherapy Marketing,  number 1 in the UK  and number 2 in Australia. Not bad for a website that I update once or twice a month! If I can do this worldwide what can I do for you in your local town or province?

Build a Hypnotherapy Website That Gets Customers

Follow the tips and strategies that are contained in my online course and you will be guided through each of the important elements that your website must have.  These are the exact methods I used to create three successful practices in the UK plus they catapulted this website to one of the leading websites in the world for hypnotherapy marketing. So what are you waiting for?  The link for the course can be found below. I hope you all find it useful and informative and I would love to hear what course you would like me to create next to help with your marketing.

Marketing a Therapy Website Online Course

Turn Your Therapy Website into a Client Magnet Turn Your Therapy Website into a Client Magnet Online Course